FPGA Crypto Tricks – h1kari

FPGA Crypto Tricks

This talk will cover some interesting tricks for cracking different lesser-known but massively deployed ciphers with FPGAs along with a real world demonstration of the implications of what happens when some ciphers are broken.


David Hulton is the co-founder and chairman of the ToorCon group of events (ToorCon San Diego, ToorCon Seattle, ToorCamp, and WorldToor). He’s also the co-founder and Director Security Applications at Pico Computing where he dedicates most of his time to breaking codes with the custom Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) systems that his company develops. He’s mostly known for attack research he’s published on 802.11, GSM, smart cards, automobiles, and many other widely deployed systems. He’s also the co-owner of Ada’s Technical Books — a carefully curated paradise for geeks, with his wonderful wife.